1. |
Social Work |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (4) passes in non-religious subjects ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 850,000/= |
2. |
Technician Certificate in Social Work |
Holders of Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Social Work, Gender, Community Development, Youth Work ReadMore
2 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 850,000/= |
3. |
Law |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (4) passes in non-religious subjects including English Language ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
4. |
Technician Certificate in Law |
Holders of Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Law OR Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with one Principal Pass and one Subsidiary Pass. ReadMore
2 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
5. |
Human Resources
Management (HRM) |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (4) passes in non-religious subjects ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
6. |
Technician Certificate in Human Resources
Management (HRM) |
Holders of Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Human Resources
Management (HRM) OR Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with one Principal Pass and one Subsidiary Pass. ReadMore
2 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
7. |
Information Communication Technology (ICT) |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) "D" and above in non-religious Subjects including Passes in Basic Mathematics and English Language or Its Equivalence or Holders of National Vocational Award (nva) Level III in An Ict Relevant Field from A Recognized Institution Together with Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with At Least two Passes. ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
8. |
Marketing |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) "D" and above in non-religious Subjects including Passes in Basic Mathematics and English Language or Its Equivalence or Holders of National Vocational Award (nva) Level III in Relevant Field from A Recognized Institution Together with Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with At Least two Passes. ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
9. |
Business Administration (BA) |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) "D" and above in non-religious Subjects including Passes in Basic Mathematics and English Language or Its Equivalence or Holders of National Vocational Award (nva) Level III in Relevant Field from A Recognized Institution Together with Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with At Least two Passes. ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |
10. |
Accountancy |
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) "D" and above in non-religious Subjects including Passes in Basic Mathematics and English Language or Its Equivalence or Holders of National Vocational Award (nva) Level III in Relevant Field from A Recognized Institution Together with Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with At Least two Passes. ReadMore
3 years |
Haina Mkopo Kwa sasa |
Tsh. 1,150,000/= |